On Wednesday during the day, we completed the floor preparations and began mixing concrete for the stage. In addition, the Brazilian mason that was with us on the team began the process of building the walls on the footings.The community members had been carrying both water and sand/rock from the stream to mix the concrete. It was about a 150 yard walk up to the site from the stream and this was not an easy task. The night before we were worshipping with these people and during the day we were working together to complete their building.
Wednesday was also the first of two days that Beth and a small group were able to spend time at the public school with the children in the community. On Wednesday, they did crafts and songs and our group was given permission to use a building in another one of the "neighborhoods" of Atrocal to hold a service. This community was mourning the recent loss of a 34 year old mother.
At the service Nate shared his testimony of loss and how their faith carried them through that time. Joaquim also gave an evagalistic sermon - the first time the gospel had been shared in this community.
The picture below shows Joaquim and Diego depicting the weight of sin that we carry with us all of the time. At the end of the service Beth gave all of the children a little gift from Geneseo - glow sticks!